
Measuring the value in innovation

Efficiency in deploying knowledge is more important to economic competitiveness than the ability to create new knowledge, argues Sami Mahroum.
23 Jun 2010

Invest in researchers and their careers

Thoughts have turned to shaping Framework Programme 8. Here, Stijn Delauré and Laura Keustermans of the League of European Research Universities make their recommendations.

02 Jun 2010

The road to smart, sustainable SMEs

As European SME week gets underway, Tom Saylor, Chair of EuropaBio’s SME Platform argues Europe’s ‘Innovation Engine’ needs sustained fuel injection.
26 May 2010

Personalised Healthcare

The technology is coming on apace, but Europe’s health services are not set up to get personalised healthcare to the patients.
19 May 2010

Lost in Innovation

The proliferation of innovation jargon is making it hard to formulate effective innovation policy, writes Sami Mahroum.
12 May 2010