
Make English the sole language of patents

As the Commission prepares to set out translations rules for the European patent on May 18, here are some helpful suggestions from Bruno Van Pottelsberghe of the Bruegel think tank.
14 Apr 2010

Pay more attention to Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases are Europe’s latest big health issue, new MEP Antonio Fernando Correia de Campos tells Science|Business.
17 Mar 2010

Europe 2020: Let them eat words

A new ‘vision’ from Brussels offers something for everyone – including research and innovation. But in the end, it comes off as empty rhetoric.
06 Mar 2010

Born or made?

Is entrepreneurship innate, or can the requisite skills be taught? Speakers at the Science|Business ACES awards had differing views, writes Michael Kenward.
17 Feb 2010