
Models for Collaboration

To succeed with a collaboration partner, you must first communicate with them and structure the deal, says Catherine Feechan of Brodies LLP.
18 Nov 2010

Pass the baton

To fill the funding gaps, drug development must be a relay race, not a marathon, says biotech veteran Stephen Evans-Freke.
11 Nov 2010

ERA in a microcosm

For a snapshot of what the European Research Area might look like, check the latest European Research Council Awards to young scientists, writes Nuala Moran.
03 Nov 2010

Farewell to a creative agitator

The recent death of ‘fractal’ scientist Benoit Mandelbrot highlights the importance of having plenty of cross-disciplinary ‘agitators’ in our age of specialised big science.
27 Oct 2010

Grade your government - take the test now

The European Commission published a list of what it considers best practice in national policies to promote research and innovation. Tell us how good or bad your government is.
20 Oct 2010

The EU’s new innovation plan is vital

Economic recovery hinges on innovation. It follows that EU members must embrace the Innovation Union - providing funding - but most importantly, political support.
05 Oct 2010