
Don’t make FET flagships rediscover the KICs wheel

The contenders for FET flagship status – and €1B funding - may be unprecedented in scale for basic research projects, but they should look to the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities before expending time and effort on devising new operating models.
12 May 2011

Europe and the US should collaborate more closely on science

There’s a real opportunity for the European Parliament and US Congress to work together on research, standards and regulations to improve the overall climate for innovation, says Bart Gordon, former chairman of the US House Committee on Science and Technology.
03 May 2011

Europe has a global opportunity in cleantech

Joerg Sperling, Partner at the European cleantech investment fund WHEB Partners and president of the Tech Tour Cleantech Summit 2011, gives his perspective on prospects for the sector for 2011
30 Mar 2011

UK budget is putting science at the heart of a plan for growth

The UK’s science-based businesses will find much to welcome in the 2011 budget. But there are still many challenges ahead if the country is to unlock the vast potential of small and early-stage technology companies, says Jonathan Ware of the consultancy PLMR
24 Mar 2011

Personalised Medicine is progressing

A year after Science|Business highlighted the hurdles that stand in the way of deploying personalised medicine there has been progress, even if some barriers remain in place
17 Mar 2011

Maybe Europe’s pharma sector can save itself

As the second tranche of projects in the €2 billion Innovative Medicines Initiative was announced this week, a quick stock take of progress to date hints at what this wide-ranging collaboration could deliver
09 Mar 2011

Copyright in the Internet Age

The old principles of intellectual property regulation are strained in the Age of the Internet. Reform is needed, says Francis Gurry, Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization
03 Mar 2011