As the EU ponders an Innovation Act, the UK Business Secretary Peter Mandelson gave budding entrepreneurs his view of what government can bring to innovation.
In the second of a two-part series John Wood, chair of the European Research Area Board, considers the role the Internet will play in shaping the European Research Area.
Decisions need to be taken now to shape the European Research Area in 2030. The first in a two part series by John Wood, chair of the European Research Area Board.
Setting up large teams to study the “known unknowns” of science leaves no room for the unexpected, says Sir Alec Jeffreys, the discoverer of genetic fingerprinting.
Shifting the EU budget from agriculture to research would give much more added value, says Tobias Krantz, Sweden’s Minister for Higher Education and Research.
Universities should think carefully when deciding whether to set up TTOs as separate companies or keep them in house, says Tom Hockaday from Isis Innovation.
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