
Widening newsletter 11

This week we’re taking a close look at a European Parliament report on academic freedom in Hungary in a new instalment of the ongoing row between Brussels and Budapest over the limits of government interference in higher education and research.  

Thomas Brent is looking at why Romania ranks last in the EU regional competitiveness index and has fresh figures on how researchers in Poland have fared in funding competitions since the launch of Horizon Europe. Ian Mundell has a story on women entrepreneurship in central and eastern Europe.

26 Apr 2023

Widening newsletter 3

This week we’re looking at how the Czech Republic managed to become a hub for research infrastructures in central Europe. Also, a political spat between Brussels and Warsaw could jeopardise funding for Poland’s research and innovation system.  Last but not least, research stakeholders discuss what the EU should do next with its Widening programme in Horizon Europe.

26 Oct 2022