
IP in China: a risky business

When Google hired Kai-fu Lee from Microsoft to set up the internet company's new R&D centre in Beijing in July, it set off a legal battle that highlights how much is at stake in the rush to cash in on the country's booming economy and vast scientific labour force.
09 Nov 2005

Carbon monoxide becomes a life-saver

A spin-out from Sheffield University and Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research says it has created a compound using carbon monoxide that could save lives by helping with organ transplants.
09 Nov 2005

Stem cells enlisted to aid drug discovery

A spin-out from Sheffield that uses stem cells to help with conventional drug discovery is looking for investment to continue pre-clinical research on therapeutic applications and business development activities.
09 Nov 2005

AMDG takes matters of the heart to US

UK-based AMDG's monitor for early detection of heart conditions particularly associated with diabetics is already selling in Germany. Now the company is now looking for support to enter into the US market.
09 Nov 2005