The Information Society Technology programme of the EU's Framework 6 has a new web site aimed at the New Member States and Associate Candidate Countries.
Nanotechnology is beginning to leave the laboratory and hit the high street – but health scares could stop this commercialisation process in its tracks.
French and Belgian researchers have genetically modified strains of the bacteria as treatments for human gastrointestinal disorderse – and are keen to form licensing and partnering deals to take this research forward.
A new three-dimensional microscope gives insight into internal structure and chemical composition, revealing how materials are affected, over time, by changes in temperature, humidity, weight load and other conditions.
Italian researchers have designed a small-sized humanoid robot to test a model of the human sense of "presence". They are now looking for investors to take the technology for further development.
A team at the École des Mines in France is looking for partners to develop new applications for metal foams, including one to clean up the exhaust gases of diesel vehicles.
With much of their work not qualifying for federal money, US states leading the charge in stem cell research are holding out the tin cup to get donations.
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