French researchers have developed a cell therapy that could slash the risk of rejection after bone marrow grafts to under 5 per cent, and are looking for first-round funding.
For the last three years, the French parliament has been struggling with legislation on copyright and associated rights in information society. It has surfaced in the headlines, portrayed as a fight to force Apple to make its iTunes music downloads playable on competing music boxes. But there's more involved.
A key distinction between physical and intellectual property is that the value of the latter is created as much by sharing it as by owning it. How to share it, between creator and enabler, is a particularly acute issue within the academic environment - as indicated by a recent, noteworthy debate on the subject in Sweden.
European food manufacturers are being offered access to a new software tool that takes the trial and error out of devising and developing convenience food recipes,.
As the European Commission ponders the single European patent, the European Patent Office is under attack from national patent offices that want some of its functions.
Orla Protein Technologies, a spin-out from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, is looking to raise £3 million in a series A funding round for the next stage of its development.
The Health Research Board of Ireland is to join the consortium of UK research funders developing a single gateway to the largest pool of patients in the world.
Finland wants to use its six months presiding over the EU to change innovation policy. It picks up the gauntlet at a meeting of competition ministers next week.
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