Researchers are taking cues from a century-old spray drying technology to see if it could be developed to make better products for the food and pharmaceutical industries. They are now looking for investors and partnership from industry players.
The inventors of an imaging system to improve diagnosis of coronary heart disease are looking at licensing the technology – or getting venture capital to create a spin-out.
A researcher at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam has developed instruments that could assist surgeons to perform keyhole surgery. The centre is now looking for investors and partnership or licensing agreements for the technology.
Things have changed in intellectual property, the biotech industry's big annual get-together in the US has been hearing from India, Malaysia and others.
A University of Plymouth graduate has invented a machine that combines washing, drying and ironing functions with the touch of a button, and he is now looking for investment of up to £5 million to refine the product for the general household use.
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