In the annual budget showdown, member states want to save money. Parliament vows not to let €166M be subtracted from EU research spending and is instead bidding for an extra €140M. Negotiations promise to be tougher than usual
Member states aren’t convinced that giving the project Mission status is the best way to ‘green’ neighbourhoods and bring Europe’s architectural and cultural heritage into the net-zero era
A tussle between policy-driven and bottom-up research will shape Framework Programme 10. There are two years to have the debate and strike a balance. ‘This is the beginning of the conversation,’ says Marc Lemaître
Budget discussions are on for the EU’s next R&I funding programme, due to begin in 2028, and the European Parliament wants more than twice as much as was agreed last time
MEPs’ ambition is to up funding for the European Innovation Council, and for health and climate research. But this is once again at odds with budget cuts proposed by EU governments
The continuing roll out of lump sums across Horizon Europe is coming to the €10B European Innovation Council in 2024. Meanwhile, EU auditors are calling for ‘technical changes’ to this approach to disbursing grants
To deliver on their ambitious climate and health promises, the objective-driven research projects require a change in policymaking culture across Europe, says Wolfgang Polt, who is spearheading efforts to promote transnational cooperation in support of the Missions
A dedicated unit, a debate in the European Research Area Forum and pilot projects are in the works, as the Commission looks to set European guidelines for science’s AI revolution. Now member states need to ‘wake up’ to ensure rules don’t diverge
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