Brussels policymakers start circulating ideas to pitch incoming Commissioners, including a new tech fund – but sources warn none have yet been approved
A small EU grant will set ailing institute on road to recovery and open up opportunities for Ukrainian neuroscientists, amid armed conflict and scarce resources
Europe could lose its competitive edge in sustainable food production if the EU does not rethink its rule on genome editing crop plants. Researchers across the EU issue a fresh call for the ban to be lifted
Europeans throw away over 88 million tons of food every year. A new Estonian project wants every gram of it to be used to manufacture bioplastics and eco-friendly cosmetics
Citizens everywhere must be directly involved in formulating the moonshot missions in Horizon Europe, says European Commission special adviser. The way schoolchildren have pushed the climate emergency to the top of the political agenda shows the appetite for involvement is there
Through the Central European Science Partnership, four national funding agencies will issue joint research calls and recognise each other’s evaluation procedures
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