
RFID: it's here, but is it ready?

Tracking goods by Radio Frequency Identification is said to be the next big market for wireless communication. But some in the field doubt the technology is mature enough.
16 May 2006

Political problems dog research budget

A nagging political question still hovers over the EU funding debate: should the roughly €54 billion be spent exclusively on Europe's established crème de la scientific crème?
16 May 2006

A picture of health?

AstraZeneca’s outrageously high bid for Cambridge Antibody Technology underscores the heat rising in the biotech market.

16 May 2006

Lots of space but not much room

The British National Space Centre recently launched its annual survey of the UK's space industry. There are few superstars out there. But there are opportunities on the launchpad.
15 May 2006

EU weaves yet another web site

The Information Society Technology programme of the EU's Framework 6 has a new web site aimed at the New Member States and Associate Candidate Countries.
11 May 2006

Not ageism – realism

The European Research Council’s plan to give grants to young researchers could help in the reform of Europe’s sclerotic research structures.
09 May 2006

The stem cell begging bowl

With much of their work not qualifying for federal money, US states leading the charge in stem cell research are holding out the tin cup to get donations.
08 May 2006