
Investors head for the central nervous system

Advances in neuroscience are opening up the treatment options for central nervous system diseases - at the same time as the ageing population is increasing the market for these products.
06 Jun 2006

Sun to shine on Europe's energy policy

Active Solar Buildings – entirely heated and cooled by solar thermal energy – should become the standard by 2030 if the vision of the EU’s latest Technology Platform is realised.
06 Jun 2006

Still avoiding the question

The TeGenero drug trial is complete, and an ongoing study is examing whether trial requirements should be changed. But, asks Nuala Moran, should the trial ever have been approved?
06 Jun 2006

Neurotechnology: the next frontier

With global revenues of $110 billion last year, and an aging population, the nascent "neurotechnology" market appears poised for huge growth.
30 May 2006

Can biotechnology embrace openness?

Open source software has broken the stranglehold of proprietary software vendors. Could the Biological Open Source initiative do the same in biotech?
30 May 2006