
A dirt cheap way of capturing CO2?

New research suggests that ordinary clay could make a relatively cheap contribution to the decarbonisation struggle. But feasibility remains a long way off

Climate-KIC: Move from individual projects to challenge-led programmes to maximise Europe’s low carbon activities

A new study by Climate-KIC shows how towns and cities can chart a path for a successful transition to a low carbon economy. The report, ‘Maximising Europe’s Low Carbon Activities: Moving from Individual Projects to Challenge-led Programmes’ assesses programmes where public authorities have recognised the limitations of a traditional project approach, and moved towards more comprehensive programmes.

How natural materials can be patent protected

Limpet teeth have overtaken spider silk as the world’s strongest natural material. As attempts are made to replicate and put this material to use, it is important to look to the IP strategy, say patent attorneys Ben Dempster and Jennifer Unsworth

Fixing the system: Horizon 2020 should focus on the overall system for delivering healthcare, experts say

Across the European Union, healthcare authorities are striving to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their delivery systems. The population is ageing; technology is advancing; costs are rising; and people’s expectations about healthcare are changing. Horizon 2020, the EU’s flagship research and innovation programme, can help deal with these challenges – in fact, member-states are demanding it do so.