
€350M cut to EIT budget will be hard gap to fill

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology has to swallow a painful 13 percent budget cut, starting with a €25M reduction this year. This will be a spur to become self-financing, the institute says

How to fix the EU science advice muddle

The EU needs objective science advice when framing its policies. Action is needed to clarify how and by whom this is delivered, says the former EU science chief Anne Glover

EIRMA announces training programme in innovation management

The Mastering Innovation Management (MIM) programme is organised by the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA) in partnership with the Vlerick Business School, in order to inspire and equip R&D managers with methodology and practical tools to shape the future of global innovation

ETH Zurich: Bumblebee genome mapped

A research collaboration spearheaded by ETH Zurich has shed light on the genome of two commercially important species of bumblebees. The findings provide unexpected insights into the ecology and evolution of bumblebees and honeybees.

CERN: ICARUS neutrino experiment to move to Fermilab

A group of scientists led by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia will transport the world’s largest liquid-argon neutrino detector across the Atlantic Ocean from CERN to its new home at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.