EBAN, the European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds and Early Stage Market Players, and ESA, the European Space Agency, have announced to have entered into a wide-ranging agreement to help start-up entrepreneurs, active in space related activities professionalize their businesses and value propositions, all the while encouraging and inspiring private and public investors to see space related businesses as a most attractive investment opportunity and asset class.
Awards of legal costs and ways of improving enforcement are overlooked in a new bill passed in the European Parliament. While SMEs will not be able to afford litigation, large companies will find it easier to keep more information secret
More than 150 years ago, William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, discovered the magnetoresistive effect. Today, this finding enables sensors to measure the rotational speed of a car wheel, and is also used in compass navigation and robot control systems. ETH material scientists have now found a new kind of magnetoresistance that promises further insight into basic research and could one day be used for practical applications.
The Royal Society has announced a fellowship grants, aimed at strengthening links between academia and industry, to Dr Nathan Griffiths from the University of Warwick’s Department of Computer Science.
EU moves to make data mining by researchers exempt from copyright law would not remove the technical barriers. The right way to open up this resource is through a single sign-on licensing service, says Duncan Campbell, Director at John Wiley & Sons
European Parliament’s legal affairs committee backs reform of copyright law to allow text and data mining of academic journals for research, in a vote closely watched by scientists
To succeed at Horizon 2020, you need a good road map – not just for the fundamentals of applying for grants, but to the many policy and political nuances you need to know. This unofficial ‘insider’s guide’ is our effort to gather some of the knowledge of our Brussels-based staff and our Network members scattered across Europe. We think it will increase your odds of success.
The agreement will foster collaboration between ESADE students and BSC-CNS researchers with the aim of exploring ways to bring scientific research projects to the market
At two hours from Lisbon by plane, Madeira is looked upon as something of an innovation backwater. We’re gathering a team of researchers that will challenge the perception, says Nuno Nunes, a researcher with a penchant for subversive and surprising technology
Regional innovation specialists, gathered for the first stocktake since the EU’s new policy got off the ground, criticised bureaucracy and unfavourable reimbursement rules. Many researchers and SMEs remain to be convinced about the scheme
It is known best as the Commission's in-house source of scientific advice. But the JRC’s capabilities go well beyond the theory, not just in helping with oversight of EU regulations, but also in providing much-needed practical help in responding to major humanitarian crises
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