The world’s most powerful radio telescope will collect more information each day than the entire internet. Major advances in computing are required to handle this data, but it can be done, says Bernie Fanaroff, strategic advisor for the SKA
Amid condemnations from the US and falling national spending, a fresh initiative to maintain Europe's defence clout is vital, says Nick Witney of the European Council on Foreign Relations and adviser to the European Commission on defence research
Robots are a threat to future employment and incomes, and their owners should pay social security taxes to protect pensions, say MEPs. But manufacturers claim this would impede a promising new field
UCL’s three biomedical research centres (BRCs) have won more than £167 million in funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to further world-leading biomedical research conducted with partner hospitals
ETH Zurich was awarded the contract by the European Space Agency (ESA) for the ESA Business Incubation Centre Switzerland. The initiative was launched by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. It supports selected young start-ups with a connection to space technologies.
Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker presents timetable for an EU move into defence-related research and announces a top-up – from €315B to €500B - for the EU Fund for Strategic Investments
Finger is pointed at former vice chancellors and at a bunker mentality, which meant warnings about stem cell scientist’s competence and scientific rigour went unheeded for too long
A group of researchers at Chalmers University, Department of Physics, has discovered a completely new way of using lasers to accelerate ion beams. In time, the new technique could possibly give more people access to advanced cancer treatment. The results were recently published in the high impact journal Physical Review Letters.
Japanese government memo calls for an end to the uncertainty and sets out requirements of Japanese companies if they are to remain invested in the UK. The demands include the UK continuing to have access to EU R&D funds
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