Research cooperation between the EU and Switzerland is on hold, while list of third countries invited to join new funding calls includes the UK and 17 others
For Europe to maintain its position as a science leader, a continued focus on the basics of curiosity-driven research must be blended with forward-thinking adjustments in the protection of intellectual property
Europe fares badly when it comes to translating biomedical research into health innovation. The upcoming Innovative Health Initiative aims to improve things, pumping €2.2B into cross-sector projects
Several countries in the south and east of Europe have improved their R&D performance, slightly narrowing the gap with richer member states. But excellence in research and innovation remains concentrated in northern and western strongholds
The Innovative Medicines Initiative is a catalyst, and our research has been a launch pad for vital research infrastructures that will drive innovation long after projects have finished, writes IMI director Pierre Meulien.
The project, to be launched under the international ‘Mission Innovation’ initiative at COP26 in Glasgow this November, will be open to European scientists
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