Tia Loukkola, the European University Association’s new deputy secretary general, says policymakers should commit to enhancing the career paths of all academics, regardless of their roles
Only 2% of EU start-up funding goes to all-female led companies, and COVID-19 has worsened inequality. It’s time for the Commission and member states to do more, Parliament says
Europe’s research labs scrambled to make the best use of their resources and offered remote access for researchers during the pandemic. Some of these changes are set to become a permanent feature
Five grand challenge projects - in cancer, soil health, ocean pollution, climate neutral cities and adapting to climate change – are ready to roll, confirms EU research chief Jean-Eric Paquet
Despite COVID-19 vaccines success, getting research through to market in Germany remains needlessly complex. ‘Translation is an issue’ Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged in a speech to the national Research Summit last month
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