Institutions collaborated with the Chinese military on quantum cryptography as recently as 2018. Some continue to do so whilst projects wind down; others are tightening their rules. Many say they were wrong-footed by a sea-change in attitude to EU/Sino research
There is a clear need to increase food production, but in the face of climate change, emerging diseases, soil erosion, a shortage of agricultural workers and other problems, the knowledge and technologies we have today are clearly insufficient to achieve this
European Court of Auditors says despite good design, moves to reduce the east-west research and innovation gap in Horizon 2020 cannot make up for a lack of reforms and investment in lagging member states
Re-imagining and re-engineering the Internet to be fit for the future we want, while we continue using it to help run our societies and economies will require an immense collaborative effort.
The city state joins Canada, South Korea, Japan and New Zealand as a potential associate member of the research programme. But there are concerns it may not fulfil the democratic requirements to join
Scientific council says yes to no-strings-attached funding for experienced researchers. The move is meant to reduce the administrative burden - but universities warn it must not compromise scientific excellence
Two research leaders tell Science|Business about their vision for the recovery and modernisation of Ukraine’s R&D system. This work is critical because revitalising the country as a whole will depend on shifting the economy to science-intensive, high added-value technologies
German minister calls for countries to be more “alert” when dealing with China and other autocracies. Scientific collaboration, at least rhetorically, is increasingly a question of values
The pandemic saw many young scientists give up on careers in research. A Europe-wide call to action is urging funding agencies and policymakers to reverse the trend
With no money of its own for growth phase start-ups, the EIC must persuade others to provide the finance needed to reach the magic $1B valuation. It brought companies that have received EU backing to meet potential investors at an event in Paris today
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