The largest piece of EU science infrastructure in Eastern Europe is also the first to be built – at a cost of €300M - with structural funds. Money was not an issue, but rules for constructing roads and railways don’t work for research facilities
Leaders of giant radio telescope project look forward to a year of milestones, including signing a treaty to give SKA intergovernmental status, smoothing its funding outlook
The largest and most powerful X-ray laser in world has opened in Hamburg. The machine can generate ultrashort X-ray flashes 27,000 times per second, with a brilliance that is a billion times higher than the best conventional X-ray radiation sources.
A comprehensive database of 900 European research infrastructures will allow scientists to access resources, services and facilities of which they may previously have been unaware
Europe has the opportunity to enhance its innovation capacity by strengthening cooperation between analytical research institutes and companies, providing industry with new ways to access expertise and powerful state of the art machines
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