A new research commissioner, a staff reshuffle at the Commission and a potential breakthrough in the long-running stalemate over UK association to Horizon Europe are on the cards
EU initiatives have increased the number of young researchers and innovators, but without proper career structures and security of employment this talent pool drain could away
Following a fact-finding mission to Kyiv – that included retreating to the bomb shelter at the Ministry of Education and Science during a missile attack - researchers are appealing to the EU to scale-up its support for scientists in Ukraine
After a ten-year campaign for reform, the Commission finally put forward a plan for improving research jobs. Now the pressure is on to ensure this brings about meaningful changes in terms and conditions
Without action, the quality of research could decline, research commissioner Mariya Gabriel is told as she announces pilot to be launched in 2024 in partnership with member states and industry
Despite the naysayers, more and more women are gaining success in the business of science. Our global investigation shows what it takes: good education, determination, a good employer, and some luck. Memo to government – Help them out.
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