Additional ‘flexibility’ is needed in the multiannual budget to allow the EU to make targeted investments in new energy and defence technologies. There is a suggestion funding could be diverted from agriculture and cohesion and towards such ‘strategic autonomy’ projects
Science|Business is posting new unapproved draft work programmes, one on climate and energy, the other on food, agriculture and environment-related research. They give researchers an early view of what calls for projects to expect in 2023 and 2024
As the European Parliament begins internal talks on next year’s budget, some MEPs warn they might lose again in the battle with member states on using unspent research money
It may be the lightest element, but hydrogen is now attracting weighty interest as a key to reaching climate change targets. Here’s a roundup of all things hydrogen-related, as the conference in Glasgow draws to a close
The EU-Catalyst partnership aims to scale up and create markets for green technologies. The Commission hopes the partnership will serve as a template for similar initiatives around the world
As solar power continues to expand its reach, further advances and investments will be needed for its future to shine brighter, say researchers hunting the answers
Namibia has the natural resources, while Germany wants to become a world-leading hydrogen economy. A new partnership will see Germany inject €40M with the aim of putting both countries at the forefront of clean energy innovation
Member states have until the end of April to fine tune and adapt plans to fit with EU climate goals. But will bids to spend money on roads and gas pipelines support a green recovery?
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