London won’t rejoin the EU’s Euratom programme after missing out on too many big fusion construction contracts. It could find a workaround to stay partially involved in ITER, but that will need agreement of the project’s founding members – including Russia
$1.4B has been raised and 13 fusion start-ups have launched in the past year globally. But the industry now faces a valley of death as it tries to attract fresh money to build nuclear fusion prototypes
Political decisions this year mean fuels derived from captured CO2 are classed as carbon neutral and now have a future on Europe’s roads. But will it be a highway or a just a byway for the start-ups currently building the e-fuel industry?
Delays in European legislation relating to green hydrogen have led energy companies to hold back research projects here and look to the US, where the Inflation Reduction Act is providing massive incentives
Without end users for clean hydrogen, Europe risks squandering its innovation advantage, according to a new analysis of patents. Unless technologies to switch from fossil fuel-based hydrogen are widely accessible the market won’t take off
Blanket subsidies to generate hydrogen in the US are already tempting European producers to set up manufacturing sites across the Atlantic. The issue became a flashpoint in recent negotiations between Washington and Brussels
During a Science|Business webcast last month, senior representatives from the European Commission and Europe’s top research labs convened for a public debate on how to stop an energy crisis becoming a science crisis
The rising cost of energy spells scaling back and temporary shut downs for vital research infrastructures, which are now looking for help from governments to pay their bills. ‘We are going to make ourselves heard,’ they say
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