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UK to invest £1.9B to improve cyber defences

As external threats to computer systems mount – with one UK hospital this week postponing operations following a cyberattack - the government takes a lead in highlighting the need for cybersecurity research push
03 Nov 2016

Find the Brexit cure for UK life sciences

Four months after the Brexit vote, the landscape is as uncertain for UK companies as on 24 June. The needs of life sciences must be understood and the sector given a bigger say in exit negotiations, says former health minister, Stephen Dorrell
02 Nov 2016

EU proposes Europe-wide tax breaks for R&D

European Commission has put forward rules on how R&D could be supported through an ambitious new tax system. In an example given by the Commission, a company that spends €30 million on R&D could deduct €42.5 million from its taxable income
27 Oct 2016