In a further move away from the Trump era, the Biden White House has announced a range of initiatives and visa tweaks to increase predictability and clarity for highly educated immigrants
Relief is on the way, with up to €200M per year extra for R&D funding from 2024. But before that there is a risk budgets will fall in 2023, the University of Helsinki vice-rector tells Science|Business
Sweden has banned Chinese vendor Huawei from its network, but Hungary has not. With networks so entwined, such discrepancies could imperil the whole single market. European legislation may be required to prevent this
A survey by the TRESCA EU research project details how scientific dis- and mis-information abounds. The group is working on tools to help manage this digital plague of our era
The EMA has also announced a plan to expedite study set-up on the back of the Clinical Trials Regulation, coming into force at the end of this month. But beneath the rhetoric of Brexit deregulation, the UK does not want to diverge from international peers
Among its proposals is an EU system for awarding joint degrees. But stakeholders doubt member states will give up national competences in higher education in order to deliver this
Austria’s decision to ratify the provisional implementation of the Unitary Patent Court agreement ends a decade-long deadlock. After a run in period the full launch of the single patent is expected in the next 12 months
It’s currently shut out of international research in Horizon Europe, but Switzerland is now a member of the €1.9B project to build the world’s largest telescope, becoming the first non-founder country to join the club
The longstanding programme is back again with its focus on cross-border innovation, and is finalising agreement with the Commission to tap an expected €250M funding line
New government aims to make the country a leader in quantum computing, following inauguration at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre of the world’s most powerful quantum machine, developed by Canada’s D-Wave Systems
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