
Time to rethink the value of innovation in health

The traditional view holds that if a healthcare innovation provides any benefit - however small - it should be adopted. This approach is not sustainable, health economist Uwe Reinhardt told the European Health Forum at Bad Hofgastein, Austria
07 Oct 2013

‘This is not the time for change or delay’

Cuts to the R&D budget for 2014 proposed by national ministers earlier this month threaten investment in knowledge, research and innovation, and could push the Horizon 2020 timetable off track, say critics
25 Sep 2013

Changes to procurement will spur innovation

For years the US government used public sector procurement to drive innovation. Now new EU rules will “end the dictatorship of the lowest price” allowing innovation to count in assessing bids. And simplified bidding will make it easier for SMEs to compete
11 Sep 2013

Encourage long-term investment in innovation

Even for the most motivated entrepreneurs, it takes huge amounts of time and energy to commercialise leading-edge research. Change is needed to improve the framework for innovation, reducing risks and attracting patient investors
04 Sep 2013