
Science and entrepreneurship can beat climate change

In response to the latest IPCC report, Mary Ritter, CEO of Climate-KIC, the EU’s public-private partnership, highlights the major efforts that are under way to tackle climate change. Collaboration is the route to addressing this threat, she says
31 Mar 2014

Europe needs joined-up thinking on apps

Software apps have risen from nowhere to support 1.8 million jobs and deliver revenues of €17.5 B in 2013. But more could be done to support this vibrant sector, with skills shortages being a particular worry, says John Breslin, project director at Eurapp
26 Mar 2014

We need to work with smart people wherever they are

Matthias Kaiserswerth, head of the European research headquarters of the IT company IBM, reflects on some ways Europe could improve its approach to innovation and calls for the creation of a single set of rules for research
20 Mar 2014

Don’t let data protection kill research

Amendments to the European Data Protection regulation proposed in response to revelations of blanket electronic eavesdropping by the US must be dropped. If not, major international research projects in cancer, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease will come to a stop, say R&D funding bodies
11 Feb 2014

Join forces to save the world

Technology alone will not fix global problems such as climate change, food and water shortages, soil erosion or the rising tide of chronic disease. What’s needed is more dialogue and interchange between the natural and the social sciences
05 Feb 2014