
Help older people access the Internet

With more and more services available over the Web, those without access are at an increasing disadvantage. An EU-funded programme is plotting a route across this digital divide, helping SMEs develop products and empowering older people
06 Mar 2013

Reform of clinical trials directive must be future-proof

Europe’s attempt to unify rules on clinical trials in the 2001 Directive is widely acknowledged to be a disaster. After years of debate, the Commission’s proposals for reform are getting a favourable reception, but it is critical the new regulation takes account of emerging technologies
20 Feb 2013

Europe needs smarter data – and smarter data protection

Third generation cognitive computing is making sense of data mountains and starting to deliver remarkable improvements in healthcare. Now, sensitively calibrated data protection rules are needed – to reassure patients and protect privacy, whilst allowing progress to continue
13 Feb 2013

EU regulation proves its worth in driving innovation

It’s a virtuous circle: New approval processes put in place by the European Medicines Agency are de-risking drug development, promoting investment in early-stage biotech and meeting unmet medical needs, says Paul Morton
06 Feb 2013

Reshape research policy to drive innovation

Universities have a pivotal role to play in responding to the Grand Challenges, fostering innovation and creating growth and social wellbeing. How should these institutions respond to this task? asks Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, President of Euroscience and Rector of Aarhus University, Denmark
23 Jan 2013