The south-eastern Czech region and the city of Brno have spent the past 20 years building an innovation ecosystem and now hope to take this recognition of success further
This week we’re examining the effect a series of high-profile plagiarism cases in Romania is having on the government’s attempts to lure members of its science diaspora back to the country. Then we take a look at how Czechia is trying to boost its potential for innovation, and how Polish universities are starting to make the best out of Horizon Europe.
The hearing will focus on Ivanova’s competences and her plans for tackling teething problems at the European Innovation Council, the future of fundamental research in the EU framework programme and bridging the east-west gap in research capabilities
$1.4B has been raised and 13 fusion start-ups have launched in the past year globally. But the industry now faces a valley of death as it tries to attract fresh money to build nuclear fusion prototypes
Start-ups in Malta and Cyprus are facing up to the challenges of small domestic markets, a shortage of private capital and a limited skills base. But, they say, support is needed to scale companies without having to move to the mainland
The EU’s €10B innovation fund has been riddled with problems since launching in 2021. Christian Ehler MEP says it’s too early to say it doesn’t work - but without more independence from the Commission, the EIC won’t fulfil its mission
The five want more investment in R&D and a new technology strategy. But with political stalemate in Spain following the election on Sunday, a push by the Spanish presidency of the EU Council to make progress on strategic autonomy could stall
After a ten-year campaign for reform, the Commission finally put forward a plan for improving research jobs. Now the pressure is on to ensure this brings about meaningful changes in terms and conditions
The EU’s concerns about economic security are legitimate, but protective measures must be proportionate and precise to ensure they respond to the actual risks. There should not be blanket bans on international research cooperation
Christian Ehler worries about reopening the Brexit deal and jeopardising association negotiations with Japan and Canada. His intervention comes as the UK looks set to delay any decision on Horizon association until after the summer
With the research budget already overstretched, any more funding for the Missions cannot be at the expense of other parts of Horizon Europe, critics say
The strategy aims to ensure German science excels internationally. It has worked well for the biggest hitters - but many worry universities in former East Germany are being left behind
A new report sets out the dramatic impact that rising costs are having on some of Europe’s critical science facilities and calls on governments and the Commission to step in
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