
Australia beams up the biotech

The State of Victoria, Australia, population 5 million, wants to be in the top five for biotech by 2010 – and it’s building a synchrotron to help it get there.
17 Oct 2006

New science think tank for the UK

Newton’s Apple has been launched to bring a greater appreciation of the contribution that science, technology and engineering make to wealth and health.
17 Oct 2006

Germany names research "Ivy League"

Just three German universities are to get top funding as "elite" research institutions – concentrating resources on a few winners in a national contest to boost R&D and attract international investment.
13 Oct 2006

Institutionalising energy

"Some of the world's biggest energy companies" have gone into a huddle wiuth the Department of Trade and Industry in the UK to support the creation of a new institute "to accelerate the development of secure, reliable and cost-effective low-carbon energy technologies towards commercial deployment".
12 Oct 2006