
The Chinese are coming

This Battelle-R&D Magazine report on international research and development trends sees China's race into R&D as the modern day equivalent of the Cold War.
29 Sep 2006

EU patents lumber on

The patents juggernaut chugs out of the lay-by as Charlie McCreevy sets out his latest vision following the large scale consultation that took place earlier this year.
27 Sep 2006

Intellectual property in Russia: joy or scepticism?

On September 21, 2006, the Russian Parliament approved in the first reading a new draft law on intellectual property. Following the approval, First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the draft meets international requirements set for Russia and is aimed at Russia's accession to the WTO.
27 Sep 2006

The innovation problem just won’t go away

Finding the magic ingredients that will generate innovation remains a major preoccupation across the public and private sectors. Two leading protagonists from academe and industry shares their thoughts.
27 Sep 2006

Microsoft's French start-up: Now going global

Microsoft France's support scheme for start-ups has begun its second year, with success at just one of the 25 companies it has helped covering the costs of the programme over two years. And now Microsoft’s subsidiaries in Germany and the UK are joining in.
26 Sep 2006

Study urges new look at European tech transfer

The common wisdom among technology-policy analysts is that Europe is bad at transferring technology out of its great universities and into the commercial world. A new study asserts that, by some measures, Europe may actually outperform the U.S., Canada and Australia.
25 Sep 2006