In an interview with Science|Business, Iliana Ivanova outlines her goals for the rest of her term, where Europe stands in the global technology race - and the need to discuss if dual use military/civilian research should feature in FP10
Deeper ties with the EU are part of a broader effort by Seoul to open up its research and innovation system to the wider world. And as in the West, Korea also has concerns about China
The European Commission is seeking comment on the idea of including dual-use, defence-related technologies in the next Framework Programme. The University of Bergen rector sees this as problematic
US government advisory group JASON says ‘blunt and ineffective’ security controls on fundamental science could harm progress, and urge a case-by-case approach
Awarding the Women Innovators prize this week, research commissioner Iliana Ivanova unveiled a series of initiatives to encourage more women and girls to pursue research careers
Commission will begin ‘exploratory’ discussions with Cairo about joining the research programme, despite mounting international concerns about academic freedom
Heilbronn is set to become a hotspot for application-orientated artificial intelligence, with the Dieter Schwarz Foundation the main driving force. Managing director Reinhold Geilsdörfer explains the concept - and why money is not an issue.
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