Caveats are added to the amendment to the Public Sector Information Directive, to protect "confidentiality" and "legitimate commercial interests.” That may placate universities, research funding agencies and private investors that joined forces to object to the plan
Rector Michael Ignatieff says the decision is ‘a dark day for academic freedom’ in Hungary and decries the lack of tougher response from Brussels and EU capitals
The change is intended to enable researchers to access structural funds for projects reviewers say are excellent, but which don’t make the cut for Horizon Europe grants
Riken’s push abroad follows period of stagnant science funding at home. Our scientists “are inward-looking. This tendency has to change,” says Riken president
Unusual coalition claims extending the scope of the Public Sector Information Directive would derail public-private research projects and destroy the EU’s collaboration ecosystem. But the commission says that is ‘misreading’ the plan
Ambassadors for Japan, US, Canada and others want more information on possible collaboration with the EU’s planned €94.1B R&D programme. R&D commissioner Carlos Moedas is preparing to brief them
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