Portugal has been the most successful country in winning Widening Fellowships and Individual Fellowships under Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA), according to the latest data. In 2018, Portuguese scientists won thirteen Widening Fellowships and 21 Individual Fellowships.
Widening Fellowships, introduced in 2018 with a budget of €5 million, are part of the European Commission’s effort to reduce the research and innovation divide between richer and poorer member states. The budget for these fellowships is expected to increase by €1 million each year until the end of Horizon 2020.
Organisations from countries eligible for widening support have submitted a total of 773 proposals to the Individual Fellowships call, a 27 per cent increase on 2017. Fifty were funded as Individual Fellowships and 33 as Widening Fellowships.
Source: European Commission