Most of the 43 items on the commission’s 2020 to-do list relate to the green deal and digital technologies, but there is a promise to breathe new life into the European Research Area
All five of the FEMS journals have announced the winners of their Article Awards for 2019. This is the first year that all our journals have given these awards.
EU and UK should consider special immigration arrangement for scientists and limited EU regulatory alignment, a joint study by Wellcome and Bruegel says. But it concludes, the UK is likely to miss the start of Horizon Europe
The donation, to fund a new global network of universities, is in addition to $750M Soros announced in November to assist Budapest-based Central European University in its enforced move to Vienna
Ending the west to east disparity in pay for scientists working on Marie Curie projects in Horizon Europe would be one way to limit brain drain from poorer EU countries, Croatian science minister tells MEPs
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