Government will establish a new independent authority to monitor state subsidy decisions, but the big question is how far the UK system will diverge from EU rules
Vast, multi-pronged push to tackle the EU’s second biggest killer will be underpinned by moves to promote sharing of anonymised patient data and the creation of a network of 27 national cancer centres
As its successor programme is finalised and the east-west innovation gap persists, the European Court of Auditors is looking to see what - if anything - the €1B spent on Widening from 2014 - 2020 has delivered
Leaked draft – dating from January - envisages the European Innovation Council handing out €602M to start ups and €507 million for targeted calls addressing specific areas of research in the next 11 months
Chair of the Parliament research and industry committee calls on Commission to ignore legal niceties and get money from new research programme flowing as soon as possible. MEPs also want more effort to create synergies with other funding streams
Commission’s Sandra Gallina says spending more on advance purchase agreements would not have avoided the current supply problems, afterdays of criticism of the bloc's centralised procurement scheme
Brian McCaul, head of tech transfer at Queen’s University Belfast, believes the city can overcome transition period bumps and keep pace with counterparts elsewhere in the UK
As the European Innovation Council emerges from pilot mode, SMEs and researchers will be in line for a new type of funding for translating EU-funded research into products and more top-down, targeted calls
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