
Who will run the new European Open Science Cloud?

The Commission wants to knit existing data infrastructures into a shared pan European resource. Agreeing the rules for doing this is a daunting task, says Juan Bicarregui, a member of the expert group that is laying the groundwork

14 Mar 2017

Who says the world is falling apart?

Science and technology remain our strongest hope to unite people, and keep the peace. Science|Business will do its small part to keep cross-border collaboration alive
12 Jan 2017

UCL announces £63m Africa Health Research Institute

A new interdisciplinary research institute in South Africa to fight tuberculosis (TB), HIV and related diseases has been announced on Tuesday, following a merger between two leading research institutions, with UCL as a key academic partner
20 Jul 2016

Moedas unveils his vision of the European Innovation Council

EU Research Commissioner today described the attributes around which he would like the Council to be shaped and launched a consultation seeking feedback from the public. It’s time for action to convert Europe’s world-leading science into products, he said
16 Feb 2016

King's College London: New medical detector

The world’s first medical device to detect shock and high blood pressure in pregnant women could cut maternal deaths in developing countries by up to 25%, saving more than 70,000 lives a year.
11 Mar 2015