Already overdue, the new pharmaceutical strategy will not be published tomorrow as promised. The Commission says the proposal will arrive ‘slightly later’, as tensions fly high over how to incentivise industrial R&D
The EU has ambitions to set up a shared system giving researchers cross-border access to large amounts of health data. Parliament wants to make sure it’s trusted and robust
The latest figures on R&D funding for neglected diseases show the EU is making its greatest contribution to date. But looking at the big picture it’s clear more needs to be done to tackle diseases that affect millions of people around the world
Greater integration between research and technology transfer at Cancer Research UK is supporting the formation of more start-ups and fostering the development of an international network of academic partners with complementary skills and capabilities
As it gets easier to engineer deadly pathogens, the International Biosecurity and Biosafety Initiative for Science wants tighter controls on custom-order DNA companies, and an end to the current ‘checkbox’ approach to lab safety
The EU came up short in running any pan-European clinical trials to advance the development of COVID-19 vaccines and therapies. It is now trying to fix the problem and be better prepared for future health emergencies
Experts believe that new uses of real-world data could help address Europe’s health challenges, if trust is built into the system. A high-level event in Berlin, convened by Science|Business and EIT Health, explored the potential ways forward
Phages are viruses that destroy bacteria and have the potential to supplement waning antibiotics. But researchers and entrepreneurs say the regulatory and funding environment is far from clear
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