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Can biotechnology embrace openness?

Open source software has broken the stranglehold of proprietary software vendors. Could the Biological Open Source initiative do the same in biotech?
30 May 2006

Memo to CEO: spend more on R&D

The European Commission wants businesses to spend more on research and development - and to help encourage that, the agency is preparing a volley of government proposals for the Autumn.

30 May 2006

CleanTech winds are blowing strong

Last week's Innovate2006 conference in Zaragoza included a pre-conference tour of the region with an interesting visit of Endesa and one of the largest Spanish windmill farms, located just a few miles north off Zaragoza.
29 May 2006

Thought for food on nanotech safety

Yet another consultation is under way into the safety of nanotechnology. This time you have an opportunity to give your views on "the use of nanotechnologies in relation to food".
28 May 2006

An intellectual property gladiator

Intellectual property battles are not always settled in the marketplace. Epic, life-and-death struggles often take place in the judicial arena.
24 May 2006

No special favours for technology institute

The controversial proposal for a new European Institute of Technology hit more political turbulence, as the EU’s research commissioner questioned whether it should receive preferential funding.

23 May 2006

Patents: a help or hindrance?

Without access to easy to use analysis tools, patents are becoming an expensive hindrance to many small companies, says Mick McLean, Head of Economics and Public Policy at Scientific Generics.
23 May 2006

The battle for second-generation biofuels

On 8 June the European Commission starts the evaluation of the biofuels technological platform it will support in 2007 - 2013. But the choice will be mired in political treacle.
23 May 2006