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Not ageism – realism

The European Research Council’s plan to give grants to young researchers could help in the reform of Europe’s sclerotic research structures.
09 May 2006

BabyRobot: it sees, it hears and it feels

Italian researchers have designed a small-sized humanoid robot to test a model of the human sense of "presence". They are now looking for investors to take the technology for further development.
08 May 2006

The stem cell begging bowl

With much of their work not qualifying for federal money, US states leading the charge in stem cell research are holding out the tin cup to get donations.
08 May 2006

Israel's Technion humanises rats for research

Israel researchers have developed a drug testing system that allows “human” trials to be carried out on laboratory animals. They are now opening talks with pharmaceutical companies .
02 May 2006

You can be green and grow

A greener lifestyle is not inimical to economic growth, says the author of a new report on how green initiatives are triggers for innovation.
02 May 2006