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Join forces to save the world

Technology alone will not fix global problems such as climate change, food and water shortages, soil erosion or the rising tide of chronic disease. What’s needed is more dialogue and interchange between the natural and the social sciences
05 Feb 2014

Put international collaboration at the heart of academic research

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is, “the university that built Norway”. Upholding this tradition calls for cooperation with institutions worldwide, links with industry, and home-based facilities that are centres of gravity for international researchers, says the Rector Gunnar Bovim
29 Jan 2014

Citizen science can lower costs and increase excellence in research

To date, citizen science has focused on top-down science communication. But as the exemplar of astronomy highlights, amateur enthusiasts can make significant contributions. It’s time to capture this potential, to expand the scope and excellence of research, says Fermin Serrano
21 Jan 2014

A new activist at the European Research Council

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, new President of the ERC , tells Science|Business he is charting a ‘political’ course – to help boost science in Europe’s weaker regions, and to promote young scientists

15 Jan 2014

The First Decade: Team Reports on U.S. Trials of Bioenergy Grasses

The first long-term U.S. field trials of Miscanthus x giganteus, a towering perennial grass used in bioenergy production, reveal that its exceptional yields, though reduced somewhat after five years of growth, are still more than twice those of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), another perennial grass used as a bioenergy feedstock. Miscanthus grown in Illinois also outperforms even the high yields found in earlier studies of the crop in Europe, the researchers found.
15 Jan 2014