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Integrating Renewables: The Flexibility Challenge

The successful integration of renewables could cut Europe’s energy bill by as much as €50 billion annually, says Goran Strbac, professor of electrical energy systems at Imperial College London. First, however, the market must start rewarding investment in flexible power generation, demand-side response and energy storage.
03 Apr 2014

Science and entrepreneurship can beat climate change

In response to the latest IPCC report, Mary Ritter, CEO of Climate-KIC, the EU’s public-private partnership, highlights the major efforts that are under way to tackle climate change. Collaboration is the route to addressing this threat, she says
31 Mar 2014

EU to offer €20M in R&D prizes

There’s a long tradition of offering scientists prize money to solve specific problems. After making the first such payment – of €2M for a way of preserving vaccines without refrigeration - the EU is planning more prize give-aways
27 Mar 2014

Europe needs joined-up thinking on apps

Software apps have risen from nowhere to support 1.8 million jobs and deliver revenues of €17.5 B in 2013. But more could be done to support this vibrant sector, with skills shortages being a particular worry, says John Breslin, project director at Eurapp
26 Mar 2014