In its last issue, the Economist presents a survey on talent and the difficulties of finding and keeping it. As usual, it is an instructive and stimulating piece. In my case, it stimulated my thoughts about the relationships between talent and intellectual property (IP).
European companies raised their R&D spending by 5.3 per cent last year - but still failed to keep up with bigger-spending U.S. and Asian competitors in the global R&D market, data from a European Commission study suggest.
The 2006 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard provides information of the top 1000 EU companies and top 1000 from outside the EU (non-EU) which invest the most in R&D.
After months of talking, Imperial College London and the University of London set terms for their separation - a major break-up among R&D heavyweights.
A small number of German universities will next week receive a large boost in fame and fortune as Germany seeks to restore the fortunes of its science.
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