
Patent auction: many low bids, but some successes

Lots of buzz preceded what was billed as the world's first live, multi-lot technology patent auction on April 6, but reality failed to meet expectations for many of the inventors who put up 400-plus patents for sale.
08 Apr 2006

Agency orders probe into clinical trials procedures

After finding nothing wrong with the specifics of the preclinical data, the product, or how the trial was conducted, the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has ordered an investigation to changes in clinical trials procedures.
05 Apr 2006

Biosensors defend the homeland

The DTI in the UK sent a Global Watch Mission team to California last year to look at biosensors and biosensing "major global industries, with the worldwide total annual sales of medical biosensors exceeding £2.8 billion in 2003". The team has just reported back.
31 Mar 2006