There should be a greater effort to create a harmonised system for health technology assessment (HTA), according to a paper issued by the Institute of Competitiveness (I-Com Europe), an Italian think tank.
A Norwegian hospital group factored in patient perception of pain and when deciding which intravenous catheters to buy. As a result, it bought more expensive devices, but they are easier to use, saving time, reducing pain
Pressure on the public purse means research investment is slowing, according to the OECD. Government R&D budgets are in decline following 30 years of growth
As the EU lays the ground for its first foray into defence research, Denis Roger, Director of European synergies and innovation talks to Science|Business about what to expect from the new €90 million programme
The annual Slush show draws 17,500 from around the world to entrepreneurship festival – highlighting the role of universities in building a tech culture in Europe
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