EU commissioner urges member states to route more money from structural funds into R&D, and add firepower by using this in combination with pandemic recovery fund and Horizon Europe
The Horizon Europe start, a new international research strategy, EU Presidency plans, epidemic preparedness and more from 3 commissioners, 2 ministers, and many others... all in our Feb 22-23 conference tapes
COVID-19 has brought science to the forefront of policymaking around the world, and science advisers have become minor celebrities. Now, the public demands the experts are consulted, says Canada’s chief science adviser
EU director of public health calls for better pandemic preparedness, as health commissioner tells Science|Business conference that vaccine rollout is ‘gathering pace’
Politicians should not overlook the role played by basic research in a year of rapid vaccine development, says Nobel prize winner and neuroscientist Edvard Moser
Association agreements will have broad provisions that are the same for all countries, but the process of concluding them is slow because each agreement needs to reflect differing political and economic relationships
Science|Business launches an inquiry into how we can better manage the amazing fruits of science and technology in an age of pandemics, climate change and global turmoil
As the US rejoins the Paris agreement, Ernest J. Moniz, former US energy secretary, urges bigger budgets, broader ambitions for climate technologies. ‘We need to know which of these dogs can hunt by 2030’
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