In a ritual fight, member states want to cut next year’s proposed €12.3B budget and divert unused Horizon Europe funds away from research. Stakeholders say it’s time to ensure budget security
After being sent back to the drawing board last year, the budget for the partnership has been cut from a proposed €1.4B - €2B to a miserly €150M. Despite a parallel reduction in its scope, companies say they will struggle to deliver
Germany’s foremost basic research organisation has switched from sector-specific business incubators to a broader programme that will keep innovators in its institutes, while supporting a broader range of spin out companies
Next week, the plan initiated by the Commission to make assessments of research more meaningfully reflect its impact and value will open up to signatories. Then the hard work of translating it to action on the ground will begin
At a Science|Business conference Sept. 7, Commissioner Gabriel and other policymakers debated actions to exploit the EU’s full research and innovation capacity – and Science|Business launched its own Widening initiative
With a new prime minister in power, the UK is making a fresh overture to convince the Commission to let association to the research programme go ahead. UK universities are calling for an end to the ‘toxic uncertainty’
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