University of Luxembourg

The University of Luxembourg is a world-class research university, striving for excellence in both fundamental and applied science and in education. With a high proportion of postgraduate students, it drives innovation for society and successfully combines research, teaching and societal impact.

The University of Luxembourg aims to achieve research excellence through a culture of reflection, innovation and diversity of approaches (i.e. different perspectives, methodologies, cultures).

The five focus areas of the university are:

  • Security, reliability and trust in information technology: The University of Luxembourg hosts the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust as well as the Computer Science and Communications Research Unit of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication. Both structures are in charge of developing the strategic priority on security and reliability.
  • Molecular and systems biomedicine: They are mainly based on information on the genetic predescription of each patient with the optimal care. Key players are the University of Luxembourg with its Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, and the University’s Life Sciences Research Unit, in collaboration with the Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL) and the Public Health Research Centre CRP-Santé.
  • International finance:The current research at the Luxembourg School of Finance (LSF) is generally concerned with financial crises and particularly concerned with financial crises that may dversely affect the future of Luxembourg’s economy.
  • European and business law: The general ambition of the University’s Research Unit in Law is to position itself as a centre of excellence bringing together a team with truly transnational abilities, experiences, reach and outlook, which develops its research activities in European law, economic and business law as well as Luxembourg law.
  • Education and multilingualism: Committed to international and comparative research perspectives the research priority “Education and Learning in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts” assesses these expectations and their feasibility on a macro, meso and micro level analytically, empirically, and historically.

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