This event about personal data within the financial, insurance and medical sectors, organised by the “Union Internationale des Avocats” (UIA), will take place on the 30 September and the 1st October 2016 at the European Court of Justice on Kirchberg. It offers the exceptional opportunity to meet professors, magistrates, members of the Government, in addition to lawyers from around the world and so share views about an interesting and ongoing topic, addressing three different sectors.
The global scale seminar entitled Personal Data Protection within the Financial, Insurance and Medical Sectors: New Regulation and Perspectives, comprises a programme with numerous topical conferences, round-table discussions, as well as guided tours and other social events, which invites every participant (lawyer or non-lawyer) to an intercultural exchange amongst law professionals.
Moreover, the various orators (professors, magistrates, members of the European Institutions and of the Government, etc.) come from Luxembourg, as for instance, the professors Prof. Jean Hilger, Prof. Herwig Hofmann and Prof. Rudi Balling of the University of Luxembourg, and also from our neighbouring countries, from the United Kingdom, from numerous other European Union countries, as well as from the United States to share knowledge from different perspectives.
In addition, this seminar supported by the Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and in partnership with the Lawyer’s Order of Luxembourg allows the allocation of 15 points with respect to the training course of the Luxembourg Bar.
We recommend you to register as soon as possible as spaces are quite limited.
Dates & venue: 30 September & 1st October 2016 at the European Court of Justice (ECJ), LuxembourgSimultaneous translation in English, French and German will be available.