These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network. Network Updates can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. To know if your content piece qualifies as Network Update, check the editorial guidelines here.

Swiss spin-off looks to develop radiation detector

A spin off from ETH-Zürich has devised a new generation of detection equipment that could help in the fight against terrorism. The company is now seeking investment and possible partnerships to take the technology to a commercial level.
13 Jun 2006

Seed treaty: securing the future for agiculture

The international treaty on plant genetic resources needs a gesture of trust to repair the atmosphere of suspicion that has developed, argues Emile Frison from the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.
13 Jun 2006

Open source in biotechnology: Return to the origin?

Biology Information Open Source's promoter, Richard Jefferson, asserts that BIOS is explicitly modelled after the Open Source initiative in software. But science is grounded in open exchange and the sharing of information, so what is the point of BIOS and other initiatives such as Science Commons?
12 Jun 2006

Not to secret agents

Software agents could change the way that computing works. You just leave them to get on with the work.
09 Jun 2006

What the FX is this all about?

Every business has to issue a press release one day. When they do so, they should remember that jargon does not help get the message across.
08 Jun 2006